Country |
Automobile Name |
Manufacturer |
Engine Make/Capacity |
Seats |
Year |
Other information |
Hungary |
Alba Regia |
Székesfehérvári Motorjavitó Vállalat, Székesfehérvár |
Pannonia 250 cc |
2 |
1956 |
Prototype constructed for the Hungarian Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry[1][2] |
Hungary |
Balaton |
Székesfehérvári Motorjavitó Vállalat, Székesfehérvár |
Pannonia 250 cc |
2 |
1956 |
Prototype constructed for the Hungarian Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry[1][2] |
Hungary |
Puli |
Hungary |
Úttörô |
Locksmith and Iron Foundry Company, Debrecen |
Csepel 250 cc |
2 |
1954 |
Prototype constructed for the Hungarian Ministry of Light Industry[1][2] |